Posts by author
146 posts
A perpetual dreamer, an eternal nomad and a Francophile at heart.
Crossing the Border
Colombie-Britannique, Canada And the 20th Country in my list is: Canada! It was about time that I visit this beautiful country, having met a lot of wonderful Canadians and then…
Spring is Here!
If you have been following me through my Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin accounts, you have probably noticed the hashtags #SpringIsComing and #ChangeIsGood that I have used. Happy first day of…
Heart Atop the Hill
Paris, France I was around 2 years old my first time in Paris. And although I can’t recall anything from this trip, it was still special and part of my…
Midnight in Moscow
Москва, Россия Moscow, Russia Since I was flying back to Los Angeles from Europe with my friends, I booked the same flight as they did and had a 20 hour layover…
Market Day
Seattle, Washington No trip to Seattle wouldn’t be complete without visiting the “oldest continually working farmer’s market in the US.” Nine acres of everything fresh – produce, fruits, flowers, seafood…